Saturday, March 15, 2014


Welcome! Please come in!

Although this blog - as with all blogs - will always be a work in progress, it's really a mess right now. I've been out of the blogging scene for a while, busy with life & discovering new creative outlets. This is my space for humbly sharing my art, knits, needlecrafts, and whatever else I get myself into (creatively speaking).

Unlike my other blogs, I'm not planning a lot of words for this one. Mostly I think it will be just images and brief descriptions of the thought behind the art. I do a lot of knitting & needlework as gifts for people I love, and I'll share that here as well.

I'm learning that I need to create something every day. I'm also learning that part of the creative process is sharing it.  I'm very new at mixed media, and have approached it with child-like wonder. I do not think my stuff is anything special. It's just my thoughts, feelings, expressions, and adventures all smushed together into something that is [hopefully - but not always] pretty. My work is mostly based on things that inspire me. Much of it includes Bible verses, quotes from others, and sometimes my own thoughts. Nearly all of it includes some little snippet of my faith. I hope that in humbly sharing these creations, I can help to inspire you.

Much love!

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